Comparison of TDD LTE And IEEE 802.11af Deployment in TVWS Band

Comparison of TVWS solutions based on TDD LTE and IEEE 802.11af has been presented. It can be concluded that both technologies provide option for deployment in UHF TV band but selection should be made on multiple criteria such as type of end users, required technical parameters and overall price of the deployment. It is shown that proposed solutions could serve for alternative wireless broadband access in developed countries as well for underserved and low income population. It can be concluded that IEEE 802.11af will be superseded by IEEE 1900 standard based solutions in order to improve its' communication and coexistence performances while TDD LTE could be a better solution regarding throughput and costs of deployment if sufficient spectrum is available.


IEEE format

D. S. Vujić, M. Dukić, “Comparison of TDD LTE And IEEE 802.11af Deployment in TVWS Band,” in Sinteza 2017 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2017, pp. 357-363. doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2017-357-363

APA format

S. Vujić, D., Dukić, M. (2017). Comparison of TDD LTE And IEEE 802.11af Deployment in TVWS Band. Paper presented at Sinteza 2017 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research. doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2017-357-363

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