Ljudski resursi i razvoj javne uprave

Za modernu državu Srbiju neophodan je ubrzan razvoj odnosno reforma javne uprave. Reforma predstavlja sistematsko-funkcionalno, kadrovsko-organizaciono unapređenje javne uprave uz primenu delatnosti Novog-javnog menadžmenta i e-uprave. Novi javni menadžment (New Public Management) zajedniĉki je naziv za niz reformi javnog sektora, koje se sprovode tokom posljednjih dvadesetak godina u mnogim zapadnim državama i državama u tranziciji. Pored toga u radu se obraća pažnja na pojam e-uprave. Efikasno upravljane u organima javne uprave ima strateški značaj za osnaženje kadrovskog potencijala, modernizaciju države i ubrzani privredni razvoj. U radu se poseban akcenat stavlja na upravljanje ljudskim resursima u državnoj upravi Srbije uz kratak osvrt na pojedina zakonska rešenja. For the modern Serbian state rapid development and reform of the public administration is required. The reform represent systematic-functional and personnel-organizational improvement of public administration with the application of New Public Management and e-Government. New Public Management is a common name for several reforms of public sector, carried out during the last twenty years in many western countries and countries in transition. In addition, in this work attention is paid to the concept of e-government. Effectively managed in the public administration has a strategic importance for the strengthening of the potential of human resources, modernization of the state and faster economic development. This work puts special emphasis on human resources in Serbian public administration with a brief overview on certain legal solutions.


IEEE format

M. Rapajić, “Ljudski resursi i razvoj javne uprave,” in Sinteza 2014 - Impact of the Internet on Business Activities in Serbia and Worldwide, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2014, pp. 130-133. doi:10.15308/sinteza-2014-130-133

APA format

Rapajić, M. (2014). Ljudski resursi i razvoj javne uprave. Paper presented at Sinteza 2014 - Impact of the Internet on Business Activities in Serbia and Worldwide. doi:10.15308/sinteza-2014-130-133

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