Gamification of Fitness and Its Impact on Performance

We live in a period in which fitness is becoming increasingly sidelined as we face a health crisis. However, this could be due to it being overly complicated and inaccessible to the average individual. Many different factors contribute to the issue, the main one being that in the current world we live in we are all overstimulated, especially the younger generations as they have been exposed to high dopamine content since they were very young, due to this factor, they largely might find fitness rather boring. After all, why spend months working on something that isn’t instantly visible when you can just boot up your phone and have borderline infinite entertainment without leaving the comfort of your bed? That’s where we have developed a solution that merges both worlds of fitness and instant gratification. With this, the newer generations will find fitness more entertaining and accessible


IEEE format

P. Stevović, R. Vita, M. Mravik, M. Šarac, “Gamification of Fitness and Its Impact on Performance,” in Sinteza 2024 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology, Computer Science, and Data Science, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2024, pp. 162-167. doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2024-162-167

APA format

Stevović, P., Vita, R., Mravik, M., Šarac, M. (2024). Gamification of Fitness and Its Impact on Performance. Paper presented at Sinteza 2024 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology, Computer Science, and Data Science. doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2024-162-167

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