The Cloud-Based System for Monitoring Meteorological Data Based on Microcontroller and Web Application

The scope of this solution is an example of the implementation of a small and simple weather station that measures, stores, and displays data in proper format. C++, JavaScript, React.js, and Bootstrap were used for software development. For software development, an object-oriented methodology was used as well as appropriate design patterns by the needs. Many modern concepts are applied including programmable microcontrollers, cloudhosted databases, and monitoring in real-time. Our findings and conclusions indicate that the cloud-based monitoring platform for tracking weather conditions has been successfully implemented. The research also contains a practical experiment that confirms the possibilities of the proposed IoT solution. The first chapter provides an insight into the problem, and lists related works in this area, as well as works that precede ours. The second chapter focuses on materials and methods and explains the methodology and hardware used, as well as the subsystems of the proposed system. Graphical interpretation was performed using React.js. The third chapter describes the practical experiment that was performed, as well as the presentation of the obtained results in several ways. At the end, a discussion is given. The last chapter gives concluding remarks related to the proposed solution and results


IEEE format

. Eremić, D. Halas, “The Cloud-Based System for Monitoring Meteorological Data Based on Microcontroller and Web Application,” in Sinteza 2024 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology, Computer Science, and Data Science, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2024, pp. 66-73. doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2024-66-73

APA format

Eremić, ., Halas, D. (2024). The Cloud-Based System for Monitoring Meteorological Data Based on Microcontroller and Web Application. Paper presented at Sinteza 2024 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology, Computer Science, and Data Science. doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2024-66-73

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